A day in the life of ...
Talking about everything...I'm a member of club GRITS (Girls Raised In The South)
Friday, January 25, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
Friday, June 1, 2012
No color, now what?!?!
So I have recently embarked on an adventure to lighten my hair for the summer...I enjoy all the light browns, shades of red and honey blonds that are synonymous with warm weather. As hard as I have tried I keep failing miserably because my natural hair laughs in the face of any type of temporary or semi permanent hair color. I am feeling frustration..Unlike the throws of natural women bellowing out India Arie's hit "I Am Not My Hair" as they obtain their big chops or dutiful transitions I can assure you that I am indeed my hair. It is the one thing that has given me as much freedom as a person of my stature can muster up for as long as I can remember. I would change the style or length to embark on a new journey (usually post breakup) and I like changing color to set the tone for new seasons or new events as they happen in my life...while my hair may not define me it IS the definition of my inner funky...the artistic side, creative malay if you will, that can also be called my thoughts and when I can't change it to my specifications or make it work I feel like the inner child who once wanted a pink BMW suffers (don't even ask lol) So yes....I would like to achieve my brownish/reddish/slightly honey blond color without haste because it is warming up outside and I feel the need to have some loud a$$ hair to appease my creative genius. There are bigger things in the world with more pressing importance but I still want to lament about changing my hair color...I can't help that I focus on what I can readily fix or in this particular instance can NOT fix smh. Below is a semi successful attempt at using Jazzy Tones temporary hair color in Cherry Cola, Chocolate Cherry....something like that, but it made my finger tips reddish brown to the touch ERRRRYtime I would touch it. Sigh, to be continued ........(o_x)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder, dead at 56
Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder, dead at 56
RIP Mr. Jobs, thank you for the innovation that was your well thought out technology. You existed when they tried to oust you from the company you helped create and then you came back and showed them what they missed those 10 years. As a student of IT I appreciate the work behind Apple. For your dedication, for your drive, for your genius...I salute you! #TECHIESUNITE
The other side of my reality

In my alternate
universe, there is only me, my hopes and dreams,
and my big

fat ego. That

doesn't mean I don't love the people in my life, or the roles I play in theirs, but sometimes I miss the feeling of just being me. Free from anxiety, stress, disappointment, set-backs and set-ups. Follow me, if you will, to the other side. I would be a hairstylist extraordinaire to anybody who needed a super fabulous do to captivate the masses. I'd be a geeked out PC tech (halfway there) and build disgustingly insane computers that have the power to nuke out small unwanted nouns (insert people, place, or things here) just by touching the Fu I mean F1 key. (Yeah, I said it) I'd have 2 super awesome cars, one would be a 1972 Chevrolet Nova, with white wall tires tucked so firmly under the fender that the top would ever so gently kiss the metal with every corner I turn (not a hard kiss, more like a sweet, innocent, kinnygarten kiss) I'd also drive an all black Audi A8 (like the kind Jason Statham drives in the Transporter movies..whew...don't get me started) This would be my "stuntin" car...it would have huge, OBNOXIOUS 22 inch chrome rims (deep dish, lip poking out like it's pouting) with Yokahama racing tires...and yes, she would be a badmuthashutyomouth. I'd probably ride a DucMon (my terminology for Ducati Monster) if I could figure out how to handle all that horsepower and lean into the turns with my knee dragging the ground like the professionals do. To the naked eye, I'm sure this post seems all about material things and what I'd like to have blah, blah, blah. However, you have to scratch the surface to find the real meaning of this carefully thought out wish list. Each souped up piece of machinery along with the quest for world hair domination (even the super noun destroying computer) is about the ability to make freedom tangible. I miss my freedom, and when you're struggling with daily demands from family, friends and work, you tend to loose all if not most of it one fulfilled request at a time. While you are busy doing your best to mental curtsy for half of your handlers life is happening to you instead of you happening to it. I challenge you (yes you) to make your other side/alternate universe your present day reality. Build the super computer, take the hair world by storm, roll the throttle on that 2 wheeled temptress and LIVE!! If you alternate universe doesn't consist of any of these things, then get out of my world and go build your own. Always remember to think outside the 0ctagon. Blessings fam!
**For all of those who are not car or moto enthusiast, it's cool, I've been told repeatedly I'm not either. In any event, the pics above can provide visual reference and unadulterated ogling, just for you. Oh yeah, got all my bases covered. #Deuces (°_⊙)
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